Krateo PlatformOps
All-in-One Developer Portal and Cloud Cost Optimizer

Reduce human, cloud, and operational costs by cutting infrastructure and development delays and overheads.

Implement Krateo’s single source of truth for your development ecosystem and stop wasting time hunting for information or switching between tools and contexts.

Cloud-Native Maximization

Krateo is an open-source cloud-native centralized hub with automated tracking, customizable dashboards, cost optimization, self-service templates, performance scorecards, secure access control, and audit logs, to save time and money by reducing delays and wasted resources.


Krateo vs Backstage, Port, etc.

Krateo uses Kubernetes as a backend, RBAC, and database and integrates with all you need by composing standard K8s operators and open-source Helm charts without vendor lock-ins.
No JavaScript needed to define Krateo’s self-service portal’s user interface: it's just declarative YAML k8s resource files.


Define intuitive UIs for developers to build and deploy new apps and check logs, in self-service, within your organization's best practices.
Free up your operations team from manual tasks, tickets, errors, risks and delays.
Developers can focus on core tasks from a single front-end, create and push in multi-cloud, in compliance with your company’s policies and templates.


DevOps as it should be

Allow your teams to focus on creation rather than administration. Import and visually consolidate all your dispersed organization’s services, DBs, websites, developer projects, tech stacks, AWS, Azure, GitHub, Terraform, Jenkins, Jira, etc.
Personalized home pages to effortlessly locate, edit, push and run what’s needed, reduce switching, tickets. Display real-time data from integrated sources through customizable dashboards, including costs and alerts.

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Are you in? Let's get it done.